If you have a commercial real estate property type that’s not mentioned here contact us, we can, based on certain circumstances, customize a loan to fit the needs of a unique situation, if the transaction makes sense we’ll take a look at it.  In certain situations, we may also be able to help establish a Joint Venture (JV) partnership to help meet the equity requirements for your particular project.

Loan Amortization Table Calculator

A partial list of the property types:

Asset Classes   
Assisted Living Facilities
Self-Storage Facilities

Office buildingsShopping Centers
Construction/RenovationLaundromatsOffice Condos
Specialty Retail Stores
Day Care Centers
Manufacturing Facilities
Owner occupied/operated facilities
Vacant Properties
DealershipsMarinasProfitable Restaurants
Warehouse Condos
Foreign Nationals
Medical offices
REO portfolio acquisition
Funeral ParlorsMetal BuildingsRetail Strip Centers
Gas StationsMixed-Use (Commercial with Residential)Salons/Spas

Here are examples of some of our loan types:

Bridge Loans
Fixed Rate
PURPOSE:Fixed-rate financing on income-producing properties
GEOGRAPHY:Continental United States
(other countries are considered on a case-by-case basis)
LOAN SIZE:$75K to $5B+
PROPERTY TYPES:Assisted Living Facilities, Churches, Construction/Renovation, Day Care Centers, Dealerships, Gas Stations, Foreign Nationals, Funeral Parlors, Hospitals, Hotels, Motels, Laundromats, Manufacturing Facilities, Marinas, Medical offices, Metal Buildings, Mixed-Use (Commercial with Residential), Office buildings, Office Condos, Retail Strip Centers, Owner occupied/operated facilities, Profitable Restaurants, REO portfolio acquisition, Salons/Spas, Self-Storage Facilities, Shopping Centers, Specialty Retail Stores, Vacant Properties, Warehouse Condos, Warehouses

(other asset classes considered on a case-by-cases basis)
TERM:1 to 3 years
AMORTIZATION:None; interest-only payments
INTEREST RATES:Pricing is based on transaction quality, location and leverage.
Rates are typically 8.00% - 12.00%
PAYMENTS:Interest-only payments made via auto-debit from borrower’s
LOAN-TO-APPRAISED VALUE:Varies based on the particulars of the project
MINIMUM DSCR:Varies based on the particulars of the project
LIABILITY:Recourse and non-recourse offered
LOAN FEES:Varies based on the particulars of the project
PREPAYMENT:Typically 6 – 12 months of interest will be charged
OTHER COSTS:Varies based on the particulars of the project
Permanent Loans
Fixed Rate
PURPOSE:Fixed-rate financing on income-producing properties
GEOGRAPHY:Continental United States

(other countries are considered on a case-by-case basis)
LOAN SIZE:$75K to $5B+
PROPERTY TYPES:Assisted Living Facilities, Churches, Construction/Renovation, Day Care Centers, Dealerships, Gas Stations, Foreign Nationals, Funeral Parlors, Hospitals, Hotels, Motels, Laundromats, Manufacturing Facilities, Marinas, Medical offices, Metal Buildings, Mixed-Use (Commercial with Residential), Office buildings, Office Condos, Retail Strip Centers, Owner occupied/operated facilities, Profitable Restaurants, REO portfolio acquisition, Salons/Spas, Self-Storage Facilities, Shopping Centers, Specialty Retail Stores, Vacant Properties, Warehouse Condos, Warehouses

(other asset classes considered on a case-by-cases basis)
TERM:3, 5, 7, or 10 years
AMORTIZATION:Varies; typically 25 – 30 years
INTEREST RATES:Pricing is based on transaction quality, location and leverage.
Rates are typically 4.00% - 5.50%
PAYMENTS:Payments calculated on an amortizing basis and made via autodebit
from borrower’s account
LOAN-TO-APPRAISED VALUE:Varies based on the particulars of the project
MINIMUM DSCR:Varies based on the particulars of the project
LIABILITY:Recourse and non-recourse offered
LOAN FEES:Varies based on the particulars of the project
PREPAYMENT:Varies; declining percentage, yield maintenance and defeasance
are available
OTHER COSTS:Varies based on the particulars of the project