Why winter weather makes it easier to catch a cold or flu | CNN health

CNN health | Why winter weather makes it easier to catch a cold or flu

(The Conversation) – Many of us have heard: “Don’t go outside without a coat; you’ll catch a cold.”

That’s not exactly true. As with many things, the reality is more complicated. Here’s the distinction: Being cold isn’t why you get a cold. But it is true that cold weather makes it easier to get the cold or flu. It is still too early to tell how weather impacts the Covid-19 virus, but scientists are starting to think it behaves differently than cold and flu viruses.

As an associate professor of nursing with a background in public health, I’m asked about this all the time. So here’s a look at what actually happens.

Many viruses, including rhinovirus — the usual culprit in the common cold — and influenza, remain infectious longer and replicate faster in colder temperatures.  —read more

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